Saturday, February 23, 2019

Marciano Museum/ Ai Weiwei

In the center of the Ai Weiwei installation at the Marciano Museum is  Black Box.  It represents an inflatable boat used by refugees to come to Europe.  

Among the passengers

are figures that 

represent the animals

of the

Chinese zodiac.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Museum Visit

At the Marciano Museum is an installation by Ai Weiwei.
In the lobby is a sculpture of fused bicycles.

In the theatre gallery 49 tons of porcelain sunflower seeds are spread across the floor.

Thousands of antique teapots spouts are piled together.

Some are 9 centuries old.

Suspended from the ceiling are mythic Chinese creatures made of bamboo and silk.

They are

made by

kite makers in the Chinese city of Weifang.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Visit to LACMA/Folk Art

At the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in the "Outliers and American Vanguard Art"  exhibition is a collection of Folk Art.

Here are wood carvings of the story of Adam and Eve.

Also in the show are some Gee's Bend quilts

made by African American women in 

Gee's Bend, Alabama.