Saturday, November 24, 2018

Some Summer Flowers Still in my Garden

Because it does not freeze here in November, I have these summer flowers in my garden: Milkweed,

May Nights Salvia,

Iceberg Roses,



and the Zinnias

continue to bloom.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Getty Center/ Circle Garden Flowers

When I visit the Getty Center Circle Garden

I am always surprised by

the variety

of flowers.


I have never

seen anywhere


Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Getty Center/ Circle Garden

Here is a view of the Circle Garden from one of the upper terraces of Getty Center. The Circle Garden was designed by Robert Irwin and it changes with the season.

These are some of the fall blooming plants growing there: Canna Lilies and Dahlias.

Every season has plants with unusual textures and colors.

They all combine to create

a kind of a living

painting or


One walks on pathways under arches of vines.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Getty Center/ Cactus Garden

At the Getty Center, on the south side, is a stairway leading to a promontory where

the Cactus garden is located.

This is the view from the south most point, with a blooming Century Plant in the foreground.

The garden has various agaves, cactus and succulents,

including a big band of Barrel Cactus.