Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Getty Center/ Views

Because it is a very clear day I can stand on the hill of the Getty Center and look west to the Pacific Ocean.

The hills visible at the horizon, in the ocean, are either the Palos Verdes Peninsula, or Catalina Island, or both, I am not sure which.

Looking east are the towers of Westwood and beyond that is the Wilshire corridor.

Looking north are the Santa Monica Mountains.

Way in the distance, to the east, is downtown Los Angeles.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Autumn Visit to the Getty Center

When I visit the Getty Center, I walk up the path to slowly approach.

A line of pine trees follow the travertine wall.

The square travertine blocks are repeated throughout the Getty Center, designed by Richard Meier.

This view looks toward the Circle Garden, designed by Robert Irwin.

On the stairs leading to the garden, I pass 

a group of school children just coming up.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Visit to the Marciano Museum

At the Marciano Art Foundation is a Yayoi Kusama room.

Outside the room are two paintings

by Yayoi Kusama.

Here are some other pieces

on display 

in the museum.

This is a mosaic by Millard Sheets, the designer of the building that houses the museum.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Some Insects in my Fall Garden

Fall is a good time for insect watching in my garden. Here are some that I managed to get photographs of:  not a honey bee, but a Solitary bee, (Melissodes robustior) with hairy hind legs,

Senna Sulfer butterfly (Phoebis sennae),

Green Fruit Beetle (Continus mutabilis) on the fig tree,

hiding in the flowers, Mediterranean Mantis (Iris oratoria),

on the palm tree, California Mantis (Stagmomantis californica),

and in the rose garden, eating the rosebuds, a Grey Bird Grasshopper ( Schistocera nitens),

and another grasshopper, the Yellow Grasshopper (Melanoplus differentialis).