Saturday, July 28, 2018

My Neighbor's Garden

My neighbor's back garden has a collection of

potted plants and

sculptures, statues, ceramics,


and plant stands.

She has spent many weekend

hours at yard sales

to put all this together.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Getty Center/ More Flowers and Some Water

In the Circle Garden of the Getty Center clumps of Batchelor Buttons (Centaurea cyanus ) 
are growing.

Colors are mixed together as in an Impressionist painting.

Here is a Roman mosaic of a boater collecting Lotus blossoms with an accompaniment of flute music.

A pair of ducks stopped by a pool of water because

the fountains

are very inviting.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Getty Center/ Poppies in the Circle Garden

This summer in the Circle Garden at the Getty Center a variety of poppies are blooming.

Different colors

and forms,

some are California Poppies,

others are from the Old World.

This one is an Afghanistan Poppy, very popular with the bees.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Getty Center/ Blooming in the Circle Garden

There is a wild profusion 

of flowers

in the Circle Garden.

I like to see varieties



that I have never seen before.

Like a purple petunia with white spots!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Getty Center/ Circle Garden Plants

Along the upper paths to the Circle Garden are white Crepe Myrtle trees with 

Society Garlic growing underneath.

Every time I visit the garden,

different plants are growing and blooming.

There are mixtures of

colors and textures composed

the way an artist would do a painting.