Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Getty Center/ Circle Garden

The Circle Garden, designed by Robert Irwin is the most variable of the Getty Center Gardens.

The flowers change with the season.  Here Sweet Peas are growing on the railings.

The pathways spiral down.

The beds are filled with

plants that grow in mounds, or 

sprawl, or

climb upward like the Sweet Peas.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Getty Center/ Bougainvillea Bowers

This view looks at the

Bougainvillea Bowers

designed by Robert Irwin

so the vines would be supported and

the flowers would 

spill outward.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

June Visit to the Getty

On a grey morning with "June Gloom" I went to the Getty Center.

The slow walk up the hill

allows views of the buildings and sculpture.

On the first level are places to sit,

plantings and a sculpture by

Jack Zajac,

titled: "Big Skull and Horns in Two Parts."  

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Early June in my Neighborhood

June is a flowery month in many places.

In my neighborhood these plants are blooming.