Saturday, December 30, 2017

December in my Neighborhood

December is not a very wintery month in my neighborhood.  Some plants are still flowering.  One typical of the season is the Poinsettia, native to Mexico.

Other plants in bloom are: Rosemary,



and Lantana. 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

More of the Marciano Museum

I am continuing on the 3rd floor of the museum,

looking at the permanent 


This one is a detail of a mixed-media piece by Mike Kelley with jewelry and plastic toys set in resin.

This one is by Sterling Ruby.

The next three pieces are by Takashi Murakami.

And finally, two artworks by the designer of the building, Millard Sheets, a mural in the bookstore,

and a mosaic behind a partition on the 3rd floor.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Saturday, December 16, 2017

A Visit to the Marciano Museum

The Marciano Art Foundation is in a repurposed Masonic Temple on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. The temple dates from 196l, designed by Millard Sheets.  The first painting here is by Mark Bradford, a Los Angeles artist.

The first three works are downstairs in the entry to the Museum.

This is the mezzanine, murals

painted all the way along.

The top floor has the

permanent collection.

The final two images are details of paintings by

Allora & Calzadilla.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

December in my Garden

Some flowers are still blooming in my December garden: Thai Basil (attractive to bees),

Thunbergia and Mandevillia twining together,

and the Abutilon which the hummingbirds love.

I have Anemones and

Sparaxis growing in pots.

The Maidenhair Fern likes the cooler weather.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Fall Color

My garden still has fall color in December: Persimmon tree,

fig tree,

and the Pomegranate tree.