Thursday, November 30, 2017

Other Plants in the Getty Center Garden

The Getty Center Garden has many other plants besides the Dahlias, including: Pelargonium,


White Angel Trumpet,


Gold Angel Trumpet,


Morning Glory with Variegated Elephant Bush,

and more Pelargonium.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017

Getty Center Garden

Robert Irwin designed the Getty Center Gardens.  He had these words carved in stone on the plaza level looking down toward his design:

"Always present

always changing

never twice

the same





Saturday, November 11, 2017

Autumn Visit to the Getty Center

In different outdoor areas of the Getty Center, sculptures from the collection of Fran and Ray Stark are displayed.  This group is in a garden beside the entrance to the tram.  The first sculpture is "Mother and Child" by Henry Moore,

"bronzenightshirt" by Peter Shelton",

"Running Man" by Elisabeth Frink,

"Large Metamorphic Venus" by William Turnbull,

"Bronze Form" by Henry Moore,

and "Tent of Holofernes" by Isamu Noguchi.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

My Neighbor's Garden

My neighbor's garden has

gravel  and brick

and stone walkways and stairs.

In the shade of an Australian Pepper Tree ( Schinus molle) is a stone bench.

Pots of Pelargonium peltatum sit on the stairs.

Iris and a Crape Myrtle tree

are mixed with succulents.