Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Garden Center Visit/ 3

Continuing to walk around, I see a bench and fountain, hand carved in India out of marble,

and the pots, so many of them,

in different shapes

and materials.

I would guess,

most of are from


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Garden Center Visits/ 2

Here are stone planters,

and pots


chairs and fountains,

wall decorations,



and bird baths. All kinds of garden decorations.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Garden Center Visits/ 1

A trip to a garden center that has rectangles of lawn, tropical trees and statuary.

Many stone elephants

in a variety of


Bird cages with doves

and finches

and cockatiels.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Summer Insects

By August many insects have gathered in my garden.  Here is a juvenile Mediterranean Mantis on a Zinnia.

Another Mantis, a California Mantis, is living on a pepper plant.

Sharing the pepper plant with the Mantis is a Tomato Hornworm.

A grasshopper lives on the roses,

as does a Katydid.

A Painted Lady butterfly visits the Zinnias.

Saturday, August 12, 2017


I grow Zinnias every summer

in pots,

in the middle of my garden where they will get the most sun.

The flowers last a long time

and I always bring some inside.

Saturday, August 5, 2017


I alway look forward to the summer flowering of Agapanthus africanus.  

The blooms attract the hummingbirds.

The plant is sometimes known as


of the Nile.