Saturday, November 26, 2016


Last spring I planted the seeds of Santaka Hot Asian Peppers.   They grew slowly and I had flowers by early August.

Then the small green peppers developed

and gradually turned red.

They grew well for me in pots.

Now in November I can harvest the ripe red peppers. 

I like to use them to flavor pickled vegetables.

They add some spice.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Japanese Anemones

Japanese Anemones (Anemone hupehensis) 

are native to China.

In my garden they are blooming in November when not many other plants are.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Two Migratory Butterflies

This November I have frequently seen two kinds of butterflies.

The Monarch butterfly (Danaus Plexippus) is coming from the north

and migrating south, to Baja California (according to the field guide).

The Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardnui) is coming from the south

from as far away as Mexico (according to the field guide)

and migrating north.

Both butterflies meet at the zinnias in my garden.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Getty Center/ Various Plants

Every time I visit the Getty Center, there is something different growing in the garden around the Azalea Maze.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Getty Center/ Dahlias

The garden around the Azalea Maze Pool changes with the season.

This time

of year

the Dahlias,

native to Mexico,



Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Getty Center/ A Walk Down to the Garden

The garden designed by Robert Irwin has softer edges and less regularity than the architecture on the upper level designed by Richard Meier.  This grove of California Sycamores(Platanus racemosa)  is growing alongside a stream.

Under the trees is this Giant Red Crinum Lily (Crinum procerum).  The plant is five or six feet tall,

With pink and red flowers.

The garden paths winds down to a pool

with a maze made of azaleas.