Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Garden near the Ocean/ Tables, Chairs and Benches

So close to the ocean, the outdoor furniture sometimes acquires a furry coating of lichens and mosses.

Here is a bench used as a staging area 

for a

planting project.

And Marigolds are left out

to dry.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Garden near the Ocean/ More Raised Beds

Brightly colored flowers were growing in the raised beds. Here is a clump of Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium,)

Feverfew with Marigolds,

Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia,)

Tithonia with Wallflower or Erysimum,


yellow Marigolds,

and Lavender.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Garden near the Ocean/ The Raised Beds

The raised beds have a combination of fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers.  Here are apples and fennel,

Cinderella pumpkins,

Scarlet Runner Beans,


mint and Heavenly Blue Morning Glory,


and nasturtiums growing with the tomatoes.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Walk in the Redwoods

The Redwood trees (Sequoia sempervirens) are the tallest trees in the world.  They have a very limited natural range along the Pacific Coast: from Monterey County to the southern part of Oregon, 470 miles.

The redwoods live along the fog belt, 5 to 47 miles from the ocean. 

This trunk is scorched by fire.

They can survive a forest fire.

Their habitat is a foggy, moist place.

With streams, ferns,

horsetails (Equisetum hyemale),

mosses and Banana Slugs (Ariolimax californicus.)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September in my Garden

It has been cool the last few weeks and the Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum raddianum) has sent up new fronds.

The cool weather has also brought out new flowers on the Hydrangea macrophylla and

the Cecile Brunner Rose.

The Hoya carnosa is blooming now, native to East Asia.

The pomegranates are ripe earlier because we had a hot spring.

I need to harvest as many as I can before the squirrels

eat them all.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Early September in my Neighborhood

September in my neighborhood is very summery and some of the many blooming plants are: Plumeria pudica, 

Bottlebrush (Melaleuca flammea,)

Shell Vine (Phaseolus giganteus,)


Yarrow (Achillea millefolium,)

and Pandorea jasminoides alba.