Saturday, January 30, 2016

Late January in my Garden

A flock of robins has settled in my area for the last few days.  From what I can see they are eating berries and not foraging on the ground like the summertime robins.

A hummingbird's nest from last summer has blown out of a tree in a storm.

The fava beans are blooming,

as well as violets,


and Camellia japonica.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


All the varieties of camellias are blooming now in my neighborhood. The most common are the Camellia japonica, in white or shades of pink and red, or combinations of those colors.

The flowers have so many forms that it is complicated to sort them out. Is this one Rose form?



Formal double?

Camelia hiemalis?

Higo camellia?

Camellia rusticana?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Broad Museum

Not a garden, but a Museum in downtown Los Angeles. This is the exterior, taken while I was waiting in line to enter. The architectural design is by Diller Sofidio + Renfro.

The exterior is sheathed in fiberglass reinforced concrete.

This is a photo of a photo of the Infinity Mirrored Room by Yoyoi Kusama.

This is a detail of an Ellsworth Kelly painting.  The artwork was hard to photograph for two reasons:  no flash allowed and the galleries were crowded.

A mixed media piece by El Anatsui made out of aluminum and cooper wire.

A Cy Twombly sculpture in front of a Cy Twombly painting.

A detail of a Cy Twombly painting.

Cy Twombly's version of a rose.

View from the third floor window looking toward Disney Hall and the San Gabriel Mountains.

A View of Disney Hall.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

More UCLA Sculpture Garden

Ptolemy III by Jean Arp, 1961

Prophet by Leonard Baskin, 1971

Hybrid Fruit Called Pagoda by Jean Arp, 1934

Button Flower by Alexander Calder, 1959

The Bather by Jacques Lipchitz, 1925

Desnudo Relinado by Francisco Zuniga, 1970

Encounter VIII by Lynn Chadwick

Oval Form by Barbara Hepworth, 1963

The Song of the Vowels by Jacques Lipchitz, 1932

Saturday, January 9, 2016

UCLA Sculpture Garden

The UCLA Sculpture Garden was dedicated in 1967.  The sculptures are mostly from the 20th Century.  This one is Cubi XX by David Smith, 1964.

Queen of Sheba by Alexander Archipenko, 1961

Freya by Gerhard Marcks, 1944

Heroic Head by Aristide Maillol, 1923

The Walking Man by Auguste Rodin, 1905

Noble Burdens by Antoine Bourdelle, 1911

Torso by Aristide Maillol, 1938

Dance Column I by Robert Graham, 1978