Saturday, February 28, 2015

More Freesias

The freesias growing on the edges of my flower beds are blooming.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Herbs and Salad Greens

Among the herbs in my garden are: rosemary,



and mint and lemon verbena for tea.

Among the salad greens are: French Sorrel,

Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce and Arugula,

Royal Oak Leaf Lettuce,

and green endive.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Freesias are planted all over my garden.  The first ones to bloom are in the window boxes.  They are very fragrant and the hummingbirds visit them throughout the day.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Four February Blooming Bulbs

Blooming now in my garden: Dutch Iris,


Spring Star (Ipheion uniflorum),

and Oxalis debilis.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Two Winter Butterflies

About the time the avocado tree starts to bloom, the Painted Lady Butterflies (Vanessa cardui) begin to appear in the garden.  They are flying north from Mexico.

Since we had a rainy December there is a steady stream of butterflies flying very quickly (migration? range expansion?).   Some stop for sustenance in the avocado tree,  most fly directly through the garden from south to north.

A sunny February day will also bring the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) out to the avocado flowers.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


My lemon tree is loaded with fruit.

They are Meyer lemons.

I use the zest in cooking

and baking.

I make two kinds of preserved lemons, either in lemon juice and salt, or in oil.

I make candied lemon peels to garnish desserts.

And I freeze lemon juice so I can use it for lemonade when summer comes.