Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Culinary Garden, Getty Villa, Malibu

Climbing roses were blooming all along the entrance to the Culinary Garden at the Getty Villa.

Among the plants were the expected food plants and herbs, such as the artichoke, 


and thyme.

Fruit trees

The unexpected were the fountains and pools with

and waterlilies.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Three Garden Residents and a Fly-By

The Red Jumping Spider (Phidippus formosus) does not make a permanent web, but hides and jumps out onto its prey.

The Alligator Lizard (Elgaria multicarinata) lives under stones and shrubs, hunting for insects and spiders during the day.

Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna) lives all year long in the garden, nesting in the trees.

These hummingbird nests blew down during winter storms.  What do they consist of?  Moss? Feathers? Sycamore fluff? Wood shavings?

The Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) flies through the garden during the fall and winter.  They are migrating and may have come from as far away as the Rocky Mountains.

Monarch butterfly on lantana.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


October is the beginning of the planting season in my garden.  I start with the cool weather crops, mostly greens that are bitter or spicy.   If I plant tender lettuces or carrots the sprouts will be eaten by the animals that come in at night ( opossums ?  raccoons ?  mice ? ).
I use compost to enrich the soil and to

fill my pots.

I have ranunculus tubers and sparaxis corms to plant.

I arrange each pot with corms and tubers and cover them with compost.  It will not take long for everything to start growing.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Autumn Flowering Plants in My Neighborhood

Silk Floss Tree ( Ceiba speciosa)

Tea Tree (Leposermum scoparium)

Mexican Sage (Salvia leucantha)

Camila Sasanqua, Hana Jiman

Camila Sasanqua, Hana Jiman

Autumn flowers from my garden.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


A geranium cutting stuck in the ground anywhere in the garden, sun or shade, will grow.

They will bloom throughout the year, summer and winter.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


The pomegranates are ripe in October.

I use them in fruit salad with plums and pluots,

in green salads,

with peaches, figs, and chopped almonds over yogurt,

and with nectarines, plums and fig syrup over cake.